Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Will the Prime Minister do what Mahatma Gandhiji wanted?

Having read these below lines from Economist magazine...I understood that English people are yet again targeting to enter India with more power to Englisize the Indian young minds, as they say catch them young...What should be the worry of English journalist from London to worry about Indian education when back home in London education is suffering in many ways. They wrote the article to make it a case to say, India needs more private schools and thus English wants to sell in these new Private schools anything and everything English including people who are now in India to 'educate' young children in India and all this happens under the blessings of our 'ignorant' or 'corrupt' Governments.
But he could do a lot more. His promise to create a “new India” will be hollow if his country is stuck with schools from the 19th century.
What an irony that English people are writing these words...when what they call as 19th century was nothing but their own education designed purposefully for Indian minds...and its wastage is so clearly brought out by Swamiji's quotes below...Sad nearly 70 years still no educationists in the country took below quotations seriously to bring the change. It gives a solid reason for ACP to find its root and strengthen itself against such alarming situation in future...
The present education is all wrong. The mind is crammed with facts before it knows how to think.
Open your eyes and see what a piteous cry is rising in the land of Bharatha, proverbial for its wealth. Will your education provide this want?Never.
Our character has disappeared. Our English education has destroyed everything and left nothing in its place. Our children have lost their politeness. To talk nicely is degrading. To be reverential to one's elders is degrading. Irreverence has been the sign of liberty.
The modern student is not practical. No handicraft is taught. The present system of English is entirely literary.
The old system of education in very different from the modern system...It was thought that knowledge is so sacred that no man ought to sell it. Knowledge must be given freely and without any price.
My idea of education is personal contact with teacher - gurugriha vasa. Without the personal life of a teacher there would be no education.
Prime Minister can do now what Mahatma Gandhiji wanted, the changes in education...Looking at how things move, I doubt and therefore we may end up further in de-Indianization of our education...untill a time when we have a Prime Minister who will do what Mahatma Gandhiji wanted.
I find daily proof of the increasing & continuing wrong being done to the millions by our false de-Indianizing education.
We seem to have come to think that no one can hope to be like a Bose unless he knows English. I cannot conceive a grosser superstition than this. No Japanese feels so helpless as we seem to do....
The medium of instruction should be alerted at once, and at any cost, the provincial languages being given their rightful place. I would prefer temporary chaos in higher education to the criminal waste that is daily accumulating...
The foreign medium has caused brains fag, put an undue strain upon the nerves of our children, made them crammers and imitators, unfitted them for original work and thought, and disabled them for filtrating their learning to the family or the masses. The foreign medium has made our children practically foreigners in their own lands. It is the greatest tragedy of the existing system.
We, the English educated people alone are unable to assess the great loss that this factor has caused.
If I had the powers of a despot, I would today stop the tuitions of our boys and girls through a foreign medium and require all the teachers and professors on pain of dismissal to introduce the change forthwith. I would not wait for the preparation of Text books. They will follow the change. It is an evil that need a summary remedy.

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