Monday, September 26, 2016

Mother tongue medium of instruction to save the country
''We motivate them to send replies in Tamil''--This is in Germany...
In Sweden, in any school if there are minimum 5 students speaking lets say Marathi, they can demand an assistant who knows Swedish and Marathi to help those Marathi speaking children. So much of importance given to mother tongue.
Would our education ministry or educationists listen to this Prof. from German University? Now for we have still not heard what Mahatma Gandhi said...For none can say it better than him... "If this process is still persisted in, it bids fair to rob the nation of its soul. The sooner, therefore educated India shakes itself free from the hypnotic spell of the foreign medium, the better it would be for them and the people."
Bose was among the pioneers who realized the importance of science education in one's own mother tongue for its better foundation among young students.
A P J Abdul Kalam has said that science education should be imparted to children in vernacular languages to bring creativity and enable easy grasp of the subject.
Responding to a question, the scientist, a native of Tamil Nadu, said science should be learnt in every person's mother tongue. "Except English scientists, all other international scientists including Bulgarian, Japanese, French, German and more are studying in their mother tongue. I studied in my mother tongue too which is Tamil. From all our experience we can say learning in the vernacular will encourage independent thinking in science," Annadurai said.
Our main argument is that one’s mother-tongue is the only natural and human medium for imparting instruction. If anyone should doubt this, let him go and make enquires of educationalist in Japan, Scandinavia, England, Italy, Mexico or any other land where human beings are human beings.
Am sure time will come for everyone to realize how ignorant people have been for not listening to these great souls...and who can guess how we welcome all the social miseries of English society with this medium of English.

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