Friday, December 18, 2009

சோசியல் Darwinism, மாதா பிதா குரு தெய்வம்

My experience of traveling after my experience of Swedish life was confined to colonial ‘slaves’ who are still under the slavery mindset of ‘social Darwinism’.
I first came across this word, social Darwinism in Science, Technology and Society (STS) studies in LiU. This course itself was an eye opener to my initial madness of technology/science can solve our problems. I had to study this course because I understood, technology/science will alone not solve problems….but by the end of the course it took me to a stand where I felt, science/tech may actually bring more problems…and then it took me to different learning on Mahatma Gandhi’s philosophy or Swami Vivekananda or finally Deivathin Kural.

What I am trying to say is in many countries who were former slaves to colonial greedy powers, what now remains is still the scars of colonial days. And almost all the societies suffer ‘social Darwinism’. From India, Srilanka, Papua New Guinea to Rwanda all these countries suffer this mind set of ‘showing I am stronger than you’ a direct outcome of ‘survival of strongest’ or what some knows as ‘social Darwinism’. There are people who have accepted this social Darwinism is very dangerous for societies and have mentioned that it is the cause of societies to disappear from the face of earth. Yet in the former slave colonies….still this continues in all different modifications and levels. In all these countries the people’s mindset is actually not fit for social Darwinism. But because they now are enjoying what they term as ‘freedom’ from colonial masters, they want to continue practicing what colonial masters practiced and initiated them through their education and all other levels.

Its very painful when you see and you know the disease and its dangerous effect and you can’t do much. Not many can understand this either…

I wouldn’t have understood all these had I not lived in Sweden, where I never felt this mindset in my entire period. Not that I want to say there is no social problems, it may be there in different other form. But being never colonized, I guess Sweden has resisted this and continue to resist ‘social Darwinism’ at every level.

Bharathiyar’s lines தாழ்வு பிறர்க்கு என்று எண்ண தான் அழிவான் என்ற சாத்திரம் கேளாயோ ’ ‘If one thinks loss is for the other, one actually invites one’s own destruction’ is the warning to thesw...Guess this was Bharathiyar reply to social Darvinism which he must have seen in his own period.

All these can be changed only through correct education…as mentioned in ‘Deivathin Kural’ or as mentioned by Swami Vivekananda…but is our teachers listening…I just read a news, that teachers have been told to dress ‘decently’ in Deiva Thamizh Naadu, I guess that shows where we are now.

I read in Deivathin Kural, Matha to show who is Pitha, to show who is Guru, to show who is God…

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