Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Stans who preserve Sanskrit

Read in தெய்வத்தின் குரல் where Kaanchi Mahaswamigal says, that there are some தமிழ் lovers who like to rename some old Sanskrit words to what they call as தமிழ் words. And gives example as மந்த்ரி , because a மந்த்ரி keeps telling good things like மந்த்ரம் constantly and continuously to a King, he got the name as மந்த்ரி . Some people didn’t like a Sanskrit word coming into தமிழ் and so wanted to call him as அமைசர் , not realizing or with no knowledge that this அமைசர் in Tamil has come from Sanskrit word of அமாத்தியர். In Sinhala also the roots of this அமாத்தியர் can be seen for minister very clearly.
Like wise many people who have rejected what they call as ‘Idol’ and Vedas or Sanskrit still like to call their countries with Sanskrit ‘Stan’ meaning ‘seat’ I guess or place?
Indirectly or directly these people who have rejected are the ones who are preserving Sanskrit with their very own names. Like wise the holy books which say ‘Idol’s have no place in worship are actually preserving ‘Idol’s by mentioning about it in every possible places of their holy books. Great way to preserve these wonders of Sanskrit roots and Idols with love or hatred,knowing or unknowning.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Adi Shankarar Period

Many people including many Hindus have the understanding that Adi Shankarar time as in 8th century. But its not right, I may not have the knowledge to refute why its not 8th century but Kanchi Mahaswamigal from the Shankarar’s linage argues and proves it with many facts in 5th volume of தெய்வத்தின் குரல் in The real time period o Adi Shankarar is said as more than 2000 years. Many learned Hindus themselves it may be shocking and might not even be able accept it…The proof goes to many pages with many historical and Sanskrit slogans proofs. It also shows how those ancient Indians had a beautiful and very complicated and yet very logical ways in determining of times using slogans and play of words in Sanskrit. And it’s a pity that our media has not taken this important message to world and especially to Indians. The west most, if not all always wanted to degrade Hinduism (since they abandoned Vedic religion and had converted to some other religions, they continue to have an aversion towards the mother of all religions). It’s a pity that some of our so called educated people also join in and want to say that Hinduism has nothing to offer, when it actually has everything to offer.
I really wonder when the time will come for media to act responsible and with any social sense. Ofcourse we know Albert Einstein quote, ‘Press controlled by vested interests’, but should this also happen in India? Which has had a great history of its own even before the printing was thought of in the west. Shouldn’t we take lessons from Tilak or Bharathiyar who both used press to spread the message useful to society?

Even in ‘In woods of God Realization’ Swami Rama Tirtha mentions how youth should use the media effectively to educate societies. Our schools systems is still under its colonial slavery and its no use to expect that children coming out of this ‘foreign’ system to do anything to feel proud of their religion or language or tradition, but it must be done by people who really love their country and more importantly the world, irrespective of religions. This is because as mentioned, Veda’s decide our Vedar(weather) and these vedas are preserved as now because of the work of Adi Shankarar whose arrival saw the disappearance of many so called religions out of the face of India only to take refuge in other countries(otherwise still India will be in confusion of 72 துர்மதங்கள் as mentioned by Kanchi Mahaswamigal). It’s a great duty and responsibility for everyone to celebrate Adi Shankarar birth day in great reverence and thanks giving for his contribution in mere 32 years which is unmatched in the world history for benefit of all by preserving Vedas.

The benefits of Vedas is for all, not merely for Brahmins. But its Brahmins who shall chant it for the benefit of all in the whole universe. And its not right to question why only Brahmins, can the nuclear technology be given to wrong hands? Wrong hands non disciplined might and misuse such a powerful tool to bring destruction. The same applies for Vedas to be chanted by properly trained in mind and discipline to chant it and preserve it and pass it for next generations orally. Again more of its explanations in better sense comes in

Friday, December 25, 2009

Why caste in Hinduism?

This question has been asked to me often. Reading on this in Kaanchi Mahaswamigal’s தெய்வத்தின் குரல் I got the clearest understanding on this.

It’s also a pleasant surprise when I read in Swedish Religious book for school children when it mentioned the core of its existence ‘Caste gives security and determined roles in society’.

The division of labour in ant or honey societies much appreciated by the west, but Hinduism’s caste’s definition of division of labour which actually gives security to society and gives strength to works is ridiculed. And in our own religion, ‘English/West’ educated minds are unable to understand the real reasons.

When one does not have something which is good, that does not mean one should say what the other has is bad or to be ridiculed. This is very bad social disorder which affects society’s very existence.

The caste on the other hand as still followed by films ‘cast by’ gives people their ‘individual determined role’ in society. Just as an actor/actress given a determined role in film. Play the role and do the share of contribution instead of being a victim from an outsider who mocks at the role being played for any reason.

There might have been few incidents where little exploitation might have happened, but it got blown out of proportions during foreign rule of India and till now not many corrections done to erase these out of proportion effects. What one sees, instead is that coupled with ‘Colonial education’ India’s own people calling themselves educated want to ridicule caste which actually had saved Vedas and what we call now as Hinduism in India while in rest of the world, Veda and Hinduism long got to ruins or carried away in new forms of revolutionary religions which like revolutions after revolutions give way to new religions.

Reminded of Kaanchi Mahaswamigal’s palm tree and creeper comparison with Hinduism and rest of other religions. While a creeper might grow faster and reach on top of palm tree to question why palm tree has not grown, it actually forgets that not only the palm tree has seen hundreds and thousands of such creepers, but also the very creepers gets their strength to creep on the existence and tolerance of the palm tree without which the creeper wouldn’t have grown to the top to ask the question.

Thus, Hindus caste gives society’s social security which includes the job and rest….while Hindus four stages of life as Brahmachariyam, Grahastham, Vaanaprastham and Sannyasin defines the timeperiods where one performs these works. In Brahmachariyam one learns as a student and in Grahastham one does the work and contributes to society what is learnt and passes the skill to children. In Vaanaprastham, one goes to forest with wife leaving children to carry on. While in Sannyasin, one leaves even the wife and wonders in search of God…for which one should have done all 3 earlier stages as preparations/qualifications to reach God in Sannyasin.

Thus every work of Hindus in caste is nothing but a service to God and to be taken as a division of labour in society’s needs. This is the true meaning of மக்கள் சேவை மகேசன் சேவை to see God in everyone and to perform duty as service to God whatever one may do.

Just a while ago, I read and learnt that ‘Urbi et Orbi’ in Latin means ‘To the city and the world’ – Not surprising my earlier post on ‘யாதும் உரே யாவரும் கேளிர் ’.

Monday, December 21, 2009

தாயுமானவர் பாடல்கள்

Please check on the introduction given in above link to know how the western minds like to treasure them.
And also ask ourselves if we have taken these songs and life/message of Thayumanavar using our media of films/papers/ many of us know his life? Would the school children when they leave school, do they know anything about him?

'What is there that I can do?
It is all Thy will'' -
Thus at times I think.
But when maya of evil ways blinds me,
''All is of my own doing'' - I say.
And yet at still other times
I lie prostrate, unaware of anything happening.
Pray will it so
That this witless one
By Thine own deed
Walketh in the path of righteousness.
Oh! Thou, Guru Holy
That is Truth-Knowledge-Bliss!

Though born to call Tamil as mother tongue, many words I can't understand and have to refer to English translations...its a pity and shame...yet I think in future school children should be educated about Thayumanar's song.

இந்து சமயத்தை பற்றி சிறுவர்களுக்கு கற்பிக்க வேண்டும் வேறு சமயங்களை பற்றியும் தெரிந்திருக்க வேண்டும். பெரியவர்கள் இவற்றை நடைமுறையில் செய்து எதிர் கால சமுகம் மேன்மை பெற செய்ய வேண்டும்.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Maulana Jallaludin Rumi’s Masnavi and Ramana Maharshi’s Talk

The word Navi in Masnavi or Mathnavi again reminds one to think its relation to Noah or நாவியம் or as its Sanskrit meaning ‘boat’. Even in Buddhism the Hinayana and Mahayana its ‘yana’ means ‘boat’…guess all roots from Bhagavad Gita’s ‘Arjuna, Cross the ocean of Samsara with wisdom boat’?

It was few years back when I initially read on Maulana Jallaludin Rumi(Persians or people from Afghanistan would like to call him as Maulana Jallaludin Bhalki, during Mongol’s invasion his father migrated to Rum from Bhalki, so he is known by two places but his Masnavi finds its place everywhere now in world and that’s most important for everyone) it was an instant love and attraction and decided to spend time to share few of what I read to the earlier topic on Idols and Forms.

…The building of the prophets was without lust,
And accordingly its splendor ever increased.
Yea, many are the noble temples they have raised,
Though all were not named "The Most Remote Temple."
The Ka'ba, whose renown waxes greater every moment,
Owed its foundation to the piety of Abraham.
Its glory is not derived from stones and mortar,
But from being built without lust or strife.
…The "Truth," which is our real self, lies hidden within our phenomenal and visible self, and the Prophets reveal it to us.
…The Truth is yourself, but not your mere bodily self,
Your real self is higher than 'you' and 'me.'
This visible 'you' which you fancy to be yourself
Is limited in place, the real 'you' is not limited.
.. Your real self lies hid beneath your outward self,
For 'I am the servant of him who looks into himself.' "
…"What a youth sees only when reflected in a glass,
Our wise old fathers saw long ago though hid in stones.

..He is as Azar, maker of idols; I am only the idol;
Whatever instrument He makes me, that I am.

..The significance of forms. 2
Be not intoxicated with these goblets of forms,
Lest you become a maker and worshipper of idols.
Pass by these cups full of forms, linger not;
There is wine in the cups, but it proceeds not from them.
Look to the Giver of the wine with open mouth;

In one 'twas said, "Leave power and weakness alone;
Whatever withdraws thine eyes from God is an idol."

Yea, the Reason of man is a boundless ocean.
O son, that ocean requires, as it were, a diver. 8
On this fair ocean our human forms
Float about, like bowls on the surface of water;
Yea like cups on the surface, till they are. filled;
And when filled, these cups sink into the water.
The ocean of Reason is not seen ; reasoning men are seen;
But our forms (minds) are only as waves or spray thereof.
Whatever form that ocean uses as its instrument,
Therewith it casts its spray far and wide. 9
Till the heart sees the Giver of the secret,

For more find it and many other sites

Below from Ramana Maharshi’s Talks
Talks between the Master and two Moslems on a previous occasion.
D.: Has God a form?
M.: Who says so?
D.: Well, if God has no form is it proper to worship idols?
M.: Leave God alone because He is unknown. What about you? Have
you a form?
D.: Yes. I am this and so and so.
M.: So then, you are a man with limbs, about three and a half cubits
high, with beard, etc. Is it so?
D.: Certainly.
M.: Then do you find yourself so in deep sleep?
D.: After waking I perceive that I was asleep. Therefore by inference
I remained thus in deep sleep also.
M.: If you are the body why do they bury the corpse after death? The
body must refuse to be buried.
D.: No, I am the subtle jiva within the gross body.
M.: So you see that you are really formless; but you are at present
identifying yourself with the body. So long as you are formful why
should you not worship the formless God as being formful?
The questioner was baffled and perplexed.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Idols and Noah Ship

People have asked me why Hindus worship Idols? Is it not a stone?or metal? Frankly these questions only made me to look for answers which I had never thought even though I had prayed in temples.

Finally reading on Kaanchi Mahaswamigal in and looking also in Swami Vivekananda's teaching I got the answers and more...explanations which I am sharing as below.

Idols are only the initial steps to reach god. Idols with their form for our eyes gives a definite form which helps our mind to concentrate when we meditate or these images reminds us the Godly qualities, just like a photo does.

If Idols are kept as initial steps, the final goal is to reach God in everyone and every being, everywhere irrespective of any religion or country or language or to see no differences at all.But just ONE BEING, what Hindus call as 'Brahman' or 'Aathman'....There is lot of explanation on this in 'Talks' with Ramana Maharshi.

Another example I try to say, is just as a small girl fancies a plastic 'doll' as if its her own baby, the Hindus look upon Idol as a God in their exercises to reach GOD in everyone everywhere.

Alright having mentioned, my understanding on this, I do have my own questions, Why is those societies who have abandoned this worship(enough proof is there to say everywhere Idol worship in one way or form once happened), now still give importance to different 'statues' of their own God or saints or even their political leaders...?
Its really funny, because after saying no statues to GOD, but accepting statues of people is now seen in many countries, even countries who refuse to accept any religion...They go out and garland with flowers and give other decorations...The same philosophy which Hindus have been having for God is now in principle accepted by people who have either rejected any God or what people will call as Hindu Gods.

While writing on the idols, it also reminds me on ancient links on 'Noah ship'..Read again in தெய்வத்தின் குரல் that how this Noah meaning to say a boatman in Sanskrit who helps to reach other side of Samskara ocean as Hindus call it...We are all in Samskara ocean and the boatman(a boat of wisdom as mentioned in Bhagavad Gita and wise man or or guru or God) helps to sail across the ocean...It also continues to say Navy,Naval,Navigator comes from all the same root and in Tamil நாவியம் means well...All roots from Sanskrit....

While writing the other thought comes is what many hundred years ago in Europe, how they sent (and set fire) their dead bodies in boat...I guess the idea of this is what comes when we say worSHIP or friendSHIP or championSHIP and all other ships...guess some thoughts to share?

Friday, December 18, 2009

தெய்வ தமிழ் நாட்டினிலே

MS Subbulakshmi Sings Deivathamizh Naattiniley

வீரம் இன்றி பேதையர் போல் வாழ்திருந்தோம்…
இருள் அடைந்த நாடு இதென்று எவரோ சொன்னார் ..
அந்த இழிவும் ஒரு பெருமை என்று எண்ணி வாழ்தோம்

Whenever I listen to this song, it pains me again what a land of temples, and வேதம் நிறைந்த Tamizh Naadu and so on…yet still there are beggers on the street and not many really want to care for those poor who are made poor by our own life styles which we want to parade as ‘civilized’.So just writing as it comes in, but something wanted to write long back...and have shared this thought with friends.

So when I had time, I compiled the Nayanmars who were from தெய்வ Thamizh Naadu and listed to my knowledge as I read in my search on internet….This is only my own understanding/collection and not necessarily the right one. Few information missing..would like to get those information and any corrections to be done.I will upload them soon.

And just as the song says,
இதை அமரர் நாடு என்று அறிந்தோம் . – This is the country of divine paradise for eternity
A time shall come for everyone of this Deiva Thamizh naadu and the world to understand these above lines as well.

சோசியல் Darwinism, மாதா பிதா குரு தெய்வம்

My experience of traveling after my experience of Swedish life was confined to colonial ‘slaves’ who are still under the slavery mindset of ‘social Darwinism’.
I first came across this word, social Darwinism in Science, Technology and Society (STS) studies in LiU. This course itself was an eye opener to my initial madness of technology/science can solve our problems. I had to study this course because I understood, technology/science will alone not solve problems….but by the end of the course it took me to a stand where I felt, science/tech may actually bring more problems…and then it took me to different learning on Mahatma Gandhi’s philosophy or Swami Vivekananda or finally Deivathin Kural.

What I am trying to say is in many countries who were former slaves to colonial greedy powers, what now remains is still the scars of colonial days. And almost all the societies suffer ‘social Darwinism’. From India, Srilanka, Papua New Guinea to Rwanda all these countries suffer this mind set of ‘showing I am stronger than you’ a direct outcome of ‘survival of strongest’ or what some knows as ‘social Darwinism’. There are people who have accepted this social Darwinism is very dangerous for societies and have mentioned that it is the cause of societies to disappear from the face of earth. Yet in the former slave colonies….still this continues in all different modifications and levels. In all these countries the people’s mindset is actually not fit for social Darwinism. But because they now are enjoying what they term as ‘freedom’ from colonial masters, they want to continue practicing what colonial masters practiced and initiated them through their education and all other levels.

Its very painful when you see and you know the disease and its dangerous effect and you can’t do much. Not many can understand this either…

I wouldn’t have understood all these had I not lived in Sweden, where I never felt this mindset in my entire period. Not that I want to say there is no social problems, it may be there in different other form. But being never colonized, I guess Sweden has resisted this and continue to resist ‘social Darwinism’ at every level.

Bharathiyar’s lines தாழ்வு பிறர்க்கு என்று எண்ண தான் அழிவான் என்ற சாத்திரம் கேளாயோ ’ ‘If one thinks loss is for the other, one actually invites one’s own destruction’ is the warning to thesw...Guess this was Bharathiyar reply to social Darvinism which he must have seen in his own period.

All these can be changed only through correct education…as mentioned in ‘Deivathin Kural’ or as mentioned by Swami Vivekananda…but is our teachers listening…I just read a news, that teachers have been told to dress ‘decently’ in Deiva Thamizh Naadu, I guess that shows where we are now.

I read in Deivathin Kural, Matha to show who is Pitha, to show who is Guru, to show who is God…

Thursday, December 17, 2009

யாதும் ஊரே யாவரும் கேளிர்

When I read on Baltimore or Coimbatore or Indore or Singpore or Ullanbatore or Nishapur, or Jaipur or Bangalore or Mysore or Borobudur or the other numerous ‘ur’ s or ‘ore’ s it just reminds me of Tamil saying Yaathu ure yaavarum keylir as All are towns, All are our friends.

Its also interesting to know that Abram or Abraham comes from Ur again.

In another place a Tamil scholar of some university was mentioning in a TV talk show that all the bads in towns like Allahabad or Ahmadabad comes from ‘pathi’. This is quite clear when we know there were names of Gods in Zarathusthra who moved from Saurashtra region of India to mid east also have these names of God ending with ‘pathi’. This is no surprise as we still have the names as ‘Pasupathi’

Another name while writing comes to mind is on ‘son’ who is coming in many Scandinavian names as Anderson or Patterson and our own names like Kathireson or Murugeson. Guess there must be some kind of links…Perhaps some Tamil pundits will be able to tell what ‘son’ means?

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

பாரதியார் பிறந்த நாள்

வேதம் நிறைந்த தமிழ் நாடு,பாரதியாரின் பாபா பாட்டு மற்றும் பல வரிகள் நினைவில் இருக்க வேண்டியவை.
Each year Bharathiyar’s birthday 11th December reminds me what a man he was and what a contribution he had done in his short life. Yet it gives me sad to see that every year his birthday goes not much of notice. Every schools in Tamil Nadu and rest of the world where Tamils live should dedicate the day to celebrate and remember his works with Talks/debates and other cultural activities.
I am very happy to remember singing a Villuppaattu on Bharathiyar when in school as a kid of 11 years. Wonderful thing is that the teacher who trained us was not our school’s Tamil teacher but our English teacher who also taught religion in school. She penned so much of words on how Bharathiyar’s songs was a waking up call to those slaved by the English. I still remember the songs on Viduthalai Viduthalai or Aum Shakthi Aum…
If we don’t give the children right knowledge when their minds are young, it will be hard to teach them anything useful when they grow up with ‘English’ education.

We are now in an age where people wants to celebrate in grand scales for those in film industry or a politician who talk much on Tamil culture but nothing much done by them for this great poet who lives in every Tamil hearts.

Few years back I happened to read on Bharathiyar’s ‘Fox with the golden tail’ in chennaionline. But when I do a search now, I can’t find it. Wonder why this excellent writing of Bharathiyar in English is not seen in the internet now. Is it because he talks and simply reveals on religious conversions or is it because he talks on his own community’s pitiful and pathetic low levels of intellect and spiritual wisdom which also contributed to other religions to come and convert Veda followers to their own religions?
Wish it appears somewhere soon for us to help in understanding our own failures for others to get conversions from Vedic religion.

Also sad to see his photos without the red kumkum. Its not hard to see why, if we just know why ‘Fox with golden tail’ is difficult to get in internet as thought in above para the reason why many of recent photos of Bharathiyar shown without red kumkum gets clear.
But it’s a weak attempt to show him without his religious identity….He loved his language, country, religion yet he loved humanity and all beings for it was very clear when he said, ‘If a human goes without food, whats the purpose of this universe’. Remember he said not one Tamil or Indian or Hindu, but a human.

Even the modern film recently made on his life, did not do justice to him…with the usual ‘modern’ style of film making they had not touched anything that old films(like Kappalottiya Thamizhan or Veerapandya Kattabomman, Avvaiyar) touch.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Climate Change and பகவத் கீதா

Before writing on the Bhagavad Gita its better we try to take a note on what few of the great minds born in different religions and countries have said on Bhagavad Gita….For its universal message did long back as far as 1650s(
have taken the people…attention. But with modern communication devices and technological progress has Bhagavad Gita reached its wider audience?

When I read the Bhagavad-Gita and reflect about how God created this universe everything else seems so superfluous. – Albert Eintein

The Bhagavad-Gita is the most systematic statement of spiritual evolution of endowing value to mankind. It is one of the most clear and comprehensive summaries of perennial philosophy ever revealed; hence its enduring value is subject not only to India but to all of humanity. – Aldoes Huxley

Warren Hasting the first Governor-General of India (1773-1784) in his foreward to Bhagavad Geetha..These books will stay even when our rule disappears. English empire whether it existed may be doubted but the greatness of Bhavag Geetha shall be eternal and their value is attempts in translation

Oppenheimer remembered the Bhagavad Gita lines: "If the radiance of a thousand suns were to burst at once into the sky, that would be like the splendor of the mighty one." and "Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds."
Perform prescribed duties (not something you choose in modern casteless societies and then wait for job bank to send an offer or compensation or making societies to dive in anarchy because of unemployment and more of its explanation here
Actions in sense of sacrifice
Creation explained and more here..(As I have already stated, their sound produces in our nadis as well as in the atmosphere vibrations that are salutary not only to our own Self but to the entire world. Here we must understand "lokakshema" or our welfare of the world to mean the good of mankind as well as of all other creatures. This concern for all creation that finds expression in the Vedas is not shared by any other religion. "Sanno astu dvipadesancatuspade"-- this occurs in a mantra: the Vedas pray for the good of all creatures including bipeds, quadrupeds etc. Even grass, shrubs, trees, mountains and the rivers are not excluded from their benign purview. The happy state of all these sentient creatures and inert objects is brought about through the special quality of the Vedas.

Purpose of Yagnas or sacrifices in fires to appease Devas (Devotion, Devotees are from Devas but are we doing what is prescribed to be done for Devas? பலர் செய்வதில்லை It all begun when the Agni worshipers as Atar or as ‘Yasna’ or Zarathushtra or Zorostrians felt to keep ‘No worship to Devas’…
which is sincerely followed by its cousins of the mid east religions…Krisha tells us ‘those eating without offering to Devas in sacrificial offerings are thiefs’(What is a yajna? It is the performance of a religious duty involving Agni, the sacrificial fire, with the chanting of the mantras. The word itself is derived from the root "yaj" meaning "to worship", to evince devotion. The performance of a yajna is meant to please the Paramatman and the various deities. Yajna is also called "yaga".
‘The third purpose is the most important and it is achieved by performing sacrifices, as taught by the Gita, without any expectation of reward. Here we desire neither happiness in this world nor residence in paradise. We perform sacrifices only because it is our duty to invoke the blessings of the Gods for the welfare of the world. In this way our consciousness will be cleansed, a pre-requisite for enlightenment and final liberation. In other words the selfless performance of sacrifices means that we will eventually be dissolved in the Paramatman.’
The Lord himself has spoken about them in the Gita. When Brahma created the human species he also brought the yajnas or sacrifices into existence, bidding mortals thus: "Keep performing sacrifices. You will obtain all good fortune. May these sacrifices of yours be the cow (Kamadhenu) that grants you all you desire"
Saha-yajnah prajah srstva puro'vaca Prajapatih
Anena prasavisyadhvam esa vo'stvista-kamadhuk
If we assume that Brahma "created humans and with them sacrifices", it is likely to be construed that he first created human beings and then sacrifices. But actually it is stated in the Gita that Prajapati created yajna along with humankind (saha-yajnah prajah srstva). Yajna is mentioned first and then praja (mankind).
Since the mantras of the Vedas are the source of creation, the vibrations produced by chanting them will bring the divine powers invested with the authority of performing certain functions. To recite such mantras at a sacrifice is like writing the address on an envelope. It is by performing homa in this way that the oblation is conveyed to the deity invoked by Agni.
The real punch from Mahaswamigal’s here an example ‘Englishmen thought up a shrewd plan. They induced other countries to start factories using machinery and fomented new, unnecessary desires among people there. And they sold lumps of coal and chalk to these countries and got in return foodgrains, cotton, etc, in abundance. In this way they brought country after country under their heel.’…’ Our country grows cotton. When our spinning mills did not prosper, the English took our cotton to Lancashire, made "nice" cloth and sold it to us, making in the process four times profit. The celestials produce rain for us from the water vapour formed from our own seas. But, unlike the English, they do not make any profit out of it (in the transaction).’

Is it all that matters?
Absolutely not…the further explanations comes here

However, we need the grace of the gods if we are to be blessed with rains. To deserve such grace we must perform sacrifices. Otherwise there will be no rains on earth. The result will be famine or the rain will fall into the sea and not on land, or it will be either ativrsti (too much rain) or anavrsti (no rain). We have to depend on the denizens of the celestial world to send us the right quantity of rain to create abundance on this planet.

Recently read in a Tamil newspapers some Vedic Chanting priests were invited to Rome to chant/perform and explain in Vedas…It shows the world is beginning to change its opinion for a better direction…but still a long way to openly talk about in their popular channels of mass media.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

இந்தியா உலகுக்கு - உலகு இந்தியாவுக்கு

‘The power of religion of religion in India is something unimaginable else in the contemporary world. It operates on hundreds of levels, from folk deities like Bhima to the most abstruse and elaborate structures of Hindu theology, each level appropriate to particular social rank or caste. Progressive intellectuals - scientists, industrialists, politicians – in big cities like Bombay and Calcutta rail against it, blaming it for India’s material backwardness, but its waves lap at their very doors.

The writer had written these in Life, America’s then leading magazine in 1949, under ‘HOLY MAN’ Sri Ramana Maharshi has India’s answer to most of man’s problems.
The writer very well understands the foolishness of the ‘ Progressive intellecuals’ and that’s why he clearly identifies them and does not leave it for reader to guess. The scientists, industrialists, politicians WHO ARE THEY? The products of the MacCaulay’s education which corrupted the minds of the Indian brains from 1835.
The writer himself tells about it in another lines in the same article ‘Even India’s political life, with all its forms borrowed from Western democracy, is a series of religious ceremonies to Indian man in the street.

Today the people of India want to take pride when their so called national newspapers write on ‘Indian democracy’. Where is Indian democracy? In truth as the writer had mentioned, so called Indian democracy is borrowed from Western Democracy since Western world lacked a proper Varna Dharma to let Kings/Shatriyas to rule they were forced to invent/discover what is termed by them as Democracy and with MacCaulay’s 1835 education policies and politics Indians ever since been hypnotized to believe that they have something called ‘Indian Democracy’.

It’s a pity as the scientists, industrialist and politicians who are termed as the progressive intellectuals are unable to understand how they had been over centuries been hypnotized to believe and accept and glorify the MacCaulay’s educational system and to force upon their next future generations. Its high time that these so called progressive intellectuals understand the truth that they have been all along been hypnotized and they had to stop the suicidal path and start to think a best and older method of education which their forefathers had followed in India.
Even if these so called progressive intellectuals are trying to enjoy the new material success they have begun to enjoy because of having made themselves victims to MacCaulay’s education, the Western intellectuals if there are any should sincerely make attempt to remove this hypnotic spell upon rest of Indians. This needs to be done because Indians have to really save the world, unlike the holywood films where Americans are shown to rescue the World.
Indians with their own spiritual genius alone can save the world crisis, if we admit that there is one. And the World has to make efforts to make Indians understand that they come out of this hypnotic education which Indians have sincerely believed to help them since 1835 and continue to this day.

World which is fully aware of the dangers of such education has corrected their educations but fails to admit when it comes to India and instead want to play safely for their own narrow purposes. But by such actions world is actually bringing much disasters to its own societies. Instead, world should tell India to stick to its roots/traditions/religions/culture not only for India’s good but for its own very survival.For India with a billion population can definitely survive with its own sacrifices in millions if required, but rest of World has no chance to survive. This is what the history tells us when we look back how the Vedic Religion once practiced in all places of world have reduced to ruins but in India it continues as ever.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

இளமையில் கல், சரித்திர தேர்ச்சி கொள்

BBC to launch kids, English entertainment channels in India
In the UK CBeebies targets children below the age of six. CBeebies’ basic aim is to educate and entertain the BBC’s youngest audience.

After Tilak and Bharathiyar there has never been a true son of the soil to report and use the media as how it should be used to educate its people.
There was Swami Vivekananda a one man army who conquered the world stage with his ‘Sisters and Brothers of America’ and after more than 100 years people have left his wonderful country which he described as ‘every particle of dust is sacred’ only to land up in America and rest of the world seeking material progress. Yes, people certainly have got the material progress they looked for, but have been reduced to nothing state where they don’t even have the courage to whisper what Swami Vivekananda roared as Lion of Vedanta. Well I it makes me wonder if one should become a begging Sannyaasin to roar on the Genius of India’s spirituality and its education.
Right now there is lot of happening around educating ‘young minds’ even before they turn 7 and its here where Swamijis message should actually go. But we allow foreign channels to ‘educate’ our young minds and the result is young and old are foreigners in their own lands.

When are we going to have truly a channel to tell whole world what India means to world and to Indians by the true understanding of India and not corrupted by foreign education?

That was in 1835 by Macaulay

1890s to 1902 Swami Vivekananda

1920s through 40s Mahatma Gandhi

1900s for 100 years…Kanchi Mahaswamigal
tells us all in detail with action points…Are we listening?
Or parade shamelessly in the world with what Macaulay should be laughing in his grave? For having given up everything and taking up their education to master and excel in their own democrazies, educations, medicines? And becoming foreigners in our own lands because we still look and cherish such foreign education?
Worse is some so called intellects want to say ‘We can’t blame everything on colonialisation or that British done bad we should look and accept blame on ourselves’.
To them answer is we blame British not for Everything, and we accept blame on ourselves for ONLY ONE THING and that is THEIR EDUCATION, which we shamelessly have accepted and continue to accept in all its forms which is the cause of all other troubles…just as how Macaulay planned it. Its just that ‘education’.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

'தெய்வத்தின் குரல்' எடுத்து செல்வது நம் முதற் கடமை

இந்தியாவில் வாழும் மக்களுக்கு இந்தியாவை பற்றி அதிகம் கல்வித்திட்டத்தில் கூறவில்லை, மாணவர் கற்றதெல்லாம் வெளிநாட்டு படைகள் இந்தியாவை எவ்வாறு சூறையாடினார்கள் என்பது தான்.
இந்திய வரலாற்றை காஞ்சி மகாஸ்வாமிகளின் தெய்வத்தின் குரல் தொகுப்பில் படித்து தெரிந்து கொள்ள வேண்டும். சுவாமி விவேகானந்தருக்கு பின் இந்தியாவின் வரலாற்றை மிஹத்தெளிவாக சொல்லியிருப்பவர் காஞ்சி மகாஸ்வாமிகள்.
தெய்வத்தின் குரலை உலகில் உள்ள அனைவரும் படித்து அதன் படி நடக்க முயற்சி யாவது செய்ய வேண்டும். அதற்கு முதலில் இவற்றை அவர் வாழ்ந்த தெய்வ தமிழ் நாட்டில் அனைவருக்கும் தெரிவிக்க வேண்டும். இதற்கான முயற்சிகளை அனைத்து தமிழ் மக்களும் முழு மனதுடன் உழைக்க வேண்டும். எமது நாழிதல்கள் மற்றும் தொலைக்காட்சி முலம் தெய்வத்தின் குரலை ஒவ்வொரு கிராமத்துக்கும் எடுத்து செல்ல வேண்டும். இதை செய்வதன் முலம் தமிழுக்கு மாத்திரம் அல்லாது உலகில் உள்ள அனைத்து ஜீவராசிகளுக்கும் மங்களம் உண்டாகும்.
தெய்வத்தின் குரலை ஒவ்வொரு தமிழனுக்கும் பின் இந்தியனுக்கும் மற்றும் உலகோருக்கும் எடுத்து செல்வது நமது முதற் கடமையாகும்.

This must be the first duty for us.To take this message to world for the benefit of not just Indians/Tamils but the whole Universal beings including all people and what we call nature in plants/animals and all.
But its sure, even if we don't do it, it will find its place in the years to come. Just as how Adi Shankarar's work and Thiruvalluvar's work is still in its all respect and need.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Thursday, December 14, 1882

Just few minutes ago was watching a programme on India’s rich wedding in Rajasthan and Onam festival in Kerala in BBC Knowledge channel
There was an excellent question asked about the different kitchens kept for the wedding party and the workers who prepare the food. Do not know when the rich Indians will ever understand the meaning…well I am just reminded again and again….what Swami Vivekananda said long back…
Open your eyes and see what a piteous cry for food is rising in the land of Bharata, proverbial for its wealth! Will your education fulfill this want? Never.

Yes, just like in the above link when the American journalists reported on Sri Ramana Maharshi to in Life 30th May 1949 issue western journalists and people alike try to give their own opinions and understanding of India and its vast differences.

Indians truly educated about their rich country present their country to the world as how Swami Vivekananda did more than 100 years ago. I do not see if there is any single Channel or even newspapers reporting about it, except negative reports and its not surprising knowing that these reporters are only products of ‘hypnotic ‘education which has De-Indianiszd them for over 200 years. Wish time changes soon and we have our own channel reporting the real story.

How will it happen? It can happen only through a better education right from the school.

And it brings me to connect what read in ‘Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna’
‘Trampled daily under the English boots’
"As without strong determination the farmer cannot bring water to his field, so also without intense yearning a man cannot realize God. (To Vijay) Why don't you come here now as frequently as before?"
VIJAY: "Sir, I wish to very much, but I am not free. I have accepted work in the Brahmo Samaj."

Degrading effect of serving others
(To Vijay) "You yourself perceive how far you have gone down by being a servant of others. Again, one finds that people with many university degrees, scholars with their vast English education, accept service under their English masters and are daily trampled under their boots. The one cause of all this is woman. They have married and set up a 'gay fair' with their wives and children. Now they cannot go back, much as they would like to. Hence all these insults and humiliations, all this suffering from slavery.

Imagine this was said Thursday, December 14, 1882. More than 125 years and still its true. (Moreover it was said to a work in Brahmo Samaj, which was actually formed to talk high of Hinduism…and this was also where Narendra was initially inclined before meeting Sri Ramakrishna. This is also a clear message to those who claim to represent Hinduism but fully educated in ‘English education’ what shall be their end…nothing but similar to Brahmo Samaj…)But we may have got used to this ‘English education’ which over these years has made us English Masters in the ‘slave’ education system. It has made to such an extent that we even want to parade it proudly about the achievement in this slavery…but never want to accept it as slavery, instead want to claim our ‘superiority’ in this slave English education which Ramakrishna Paramahamsa talked about.
We now have people groomed up in this 125 years of mental slavery to insult our own glorious past wisdom and lessons because we have now become masters in this slavery and so will not accept it as a ‘daily trampled under their boots’…today we are either trampling or get trampled as/under our own ‘masters’ who have mastered the ‘English education’ that’s talked about.
Wonder when we will ever get rid of this hypnotic spell and understand what Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa is talking here as ‘English education’.
But it must be understood by the numerous schools run by Sri Ramakrishna Mission order. Having Sri Ramakrishna name or Swami Vivekananda name for schools and yet having syllabus similar to the same ‘English education’ as referred by him would it be liked by them if they happen to visit these schools?

The great monks of this order should have a syllabus completely different from the ‘English education’ that’s referred and instead have a syllabus in a way to make students feel proud of their own religion, heritage, culture, language and make Sanskrit the compulsory language to learn for everyone and to make children to live under the direct supervision of the monks compulsorily through out their study period.

Friday, December 4, 2009

கானாவில் இந்து சமயம்

Its hard to believe, yet had to believe it when one sees it and hears it. Long back when I saw a footballer by the name Appiah from Ghana it struck me that there must be a link between the name and our names.
Later I also saw another name as Sankara in one of African countries and was again wondering the name's link to our lands.
Recently happen to work and meet one whose name is Shiva and was wondering whether the name has links to Jews Siva or Shiva(which naturally as explained earlier has its roots to our Shiva). Finally asked my friend on his name and he said that its Hindu name Shiva and he is a Hindu by birth to parents from Ghana.
He also surprised me saying there are few thousands Hindus like his family in Ghana...check it out if you look for Hindumonastryinafrica you will read more of it...
hhhmmm what a pleasant surprise in this part of the world.