Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Hinduism a way of life
Hinduism a way of life - I was reading this to see what the writer wants to convey and was disappointed nothing much was explained about way of life in the article.
To me, when we call it way of life(in fact almost every religion would like to claim theirs also a way of life not really a set of rules and regulations) what comes to mind is Hinduism's best social security, Caste system or Varna Dharma as its called. Its this Caste system or Division of labour based on our previous birth's good/bad deeds now gives us a place in society. Each one finds their determined role in Varna Dharma or Caste system and is expected to perform each one's duty without expecting any result as said in Bhagavad Gita. In the absence of Caste or Varna Dharma all these things are of no meaning, but mere words. If Swedish religious text books for classes 7-9 can teach their children in Sweden that Caste is a Security by giving determined roles and people belonging to one caste finds a sense of security being part of that caste, here in India, thanks to English colonial master's education even after 70 yrs of independence we still like to be intellectual slaves to such education and unable to think like our forefathers on Varna Dharma.
When everyone knows what to do and how to do in each of one's Caste, thats the way of life and best social security for the society.All works are for society's welfare but at the same time a cleaning process for the individual's own hearts to see the divine within one's own Self. Everyone's doing their work or prescribed duty for society's welfare, without any competition or compulsion makes it the cleaning process of one's own heart.So Hinduism tells one to live the live according to the prescribed duty and by doing it for society's welfare one will see the God within one's own Self and that is Mukthi or Liberation or Salvation or end of the way of life as one may want to call.This is how I understand Hinduism as a way of life with Kanchi MahaSwamigal's Deivathin Kural to help in this understanding.

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