Monday, March 15, 2010

Zarathustra (Zoroastra) from Saurashtra

அக்னியில் அடங்கிய அவதார புருஷர்கள் under this title in தெய்வத்தின் குரல் vol 1 காஞ்சி மகாஸ்வாமிகள் tells how the Agni worshipping religion as Zoroastrian religion took off from Saurashtra part of Gujarat-India (Vedas) roots. Igni of Latin is from Agni, meaning to say Agni worshiping was practiced all over the world and we are born in this religion which is practiced world eternally and will continue eternally.
While the mother religion lives eternally the child religions keep sending refugees to the same part from where the prophets went. It is everyone’s duty to strengthen the Mother religion if we really care for human survival.

Long back before reading தெய்வத்தின் குரல் , When I came to know on the hell/heaven, judgment day concepts of middle east religions(Jewish, Christianity, Islam)…I was wondering at its roots…Could not find and was wondering, but when I read on Zoroastrian religion from one Boyce Mary the missing link found its answer. For the middle east religions of monotheism as they call can be traced to Zarathushtra’s ideas/teachings?

But since all the roots of all religions will be coming to 'Mother of Religions as Swami Vivekanand said in Chicago 1893 11th September'. These religions have their roots in Hinduism or religions of Vedas.

Boyce Mary herself shows the link of Zoroastrian religion to Vedas in her writing, linking Brahmin’s white thread ‘kusthi’ or girdle…along with numerous other areas like Devas or Agni,Yazna or other names…

When I read on the way Zorostrians dispose the dead, it was strange and was wondering at its origin, for they dispose the dead in open air for animals(now in a high rise towers for birds to eat?)

Again In தெய்வத்தின் குரல் I read on Sanniyasin’s body is also left to animals be eaten..

Thus Zoroastrian religion made the Brahmin’s பூணூல் for all males in its religion. Same way it applied Sanniyasin’s body disposal practice to all its followers.

Thus we can find the roots of religions to Hinduism but making the practices in wrong place or manner and that’s why those religions are compared as creepers growing on the palm tree of Hinduism தெய்வத்தின் குரல் gives the best and solid proofs on these and more including the Zend Avesta roots..And what makes Hinduism as palm tree is also mentioned in Deivathin Kural as caste system which is not in other child religions which grows and die fast.

Sunday, March 14, 2010


Returned from Thirukoneswaram temple or Trincomalee. This is the second most important temple as I guess after Kathirgamam. The temple is sung by Indian saints as Sundarar and Thiru Gnanasambanthar.
I also found the temple showing அருணகிரிநாதர் திருப்புகழ் .
After nearly a 7hrs of bus drive from Colombo reached Kannya, Sri Lanka's hot wells.
There are 7 hot wells and with different temperatures each..(I could hardly say the difference though I felt between one or two) and they are all located closely.Took a bath/wash(no soap allowed) and straight went to காளி அம்மன் temple but it was closed by 7 I guess. So after dinner went to Thirukoneswarar where the stage was just getting ready as there was a TV crew to Telecast Sivarathiri live to Sri Lankan people who owns(or knows someone who owns a TV).
I went inside temple and though not a big temple, it did attract a special is sad to note that Portual colonizers plundered the earlier and much larger temple and used the stones to build their fort which still to this day stands(in fact one enters through the archway of the fort built in 1623, if I am right)...
Now I guess Even during the pujas, priest first does pujas in a place which is believed to be the spot where earlier/original Linga must have been in place before Portual destruction?...(whether Portual colonizers later learn lessons or not, the later colonizers from English definitely learnt, that by no harsh means, colonial powers can ever succeed and they gave lot of religious freedom...and we should know who is to civilize and whom? when looking at the blunders of serious failures of the past colonials ones from the earliest sea voyages of Portugal, Spain, Dutch, French and finally English, or are we missing anyone?...more of this in Deivathin Kural)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Advaita-Means to keep religions alive

I wonder if there could be a better and easier way on explaining Advaita Vedanta?

Again his excellent words on keeping religion alive by creating people with great qualities alone is a message for ALL RELIGIONS...

And his words to those who like to convert to another religion is to be remembered for he says by converting, the people not only degrade their old religion but also the new religion to which they convert to...

திருக்குறள் Thirukkural, குரு குலம் Guru Kulam

திருக்குறள் Thirukkural is mentioned by Kanchi Swamigal as Tamil Vedam...meaning its such a great work...and he says in another place Tamil language is great as Sanskrit because it has திருக்குறள் ...

He also mentions on how to keep Gurukulam active which shall be the only way to give the real Indian education as it really meant...Hope some rich Indians will do some contributions.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Women work after marriage - Deivathin Kural

Continuing with yesterday's positing, Kanchi Mahaswamigal also questions how women working besides causing problems of child growing without proper love(please no excuse just as he says on western society, one who has lived there knows it better)...and he painfully says how our society is also inviting such blunders by woman not taking care of children...(bcos of work)...besides this he questions how the same jobs could be instead given to men who are unemployed and seeking a job...
In above he charges again on Brahmin community for increasing their desire for more money has extended not merely to get married but also even after marriage how they want more money and husband send wife to get money and thereby declining the love the baby/child needs and causing a society like that of west...well we are all part of this blunder and we all have to pay the price...the old age homes are not accidents...but our own results of blunders...of ignoring Kanchi Mahaswamigal words...will the society listen now? we have no choice if we really care for future generation....

தெய்வத்தின் குரல் readings for 8th March Woman's Day

காஞ்சி மகாஸ்வாமிகள் in தெய்வத்தின் Deivathin குரல் Kural ...just thought of sharing after reading 8th March is Woman's day in the media..

Monday, March 8, 2010

Simple Living - Kanchi MahaSwamigal

Material desire has no end and those from West are coming to India in search of peace, Yoga, Vedanta, Bhakthi, Bhajans and even after this if we can not open our eyes and get our thoughts right, what to say? Thats our unluck...more in தெய்வத்தின் குரல் ...where he also mentions on Standard of living or Quality of living as how வாழ்க்கைதரம் should be translated. He says it should be Quality of living.

Lets have the basic needs and share with those who do not...and make what Mahatma said 'There is enough for the needy but not enough for the greedy' a quote of the past...

Sunday, March 7, 2010

உலகம் பரவிய மதம் World spread religion

All these are from Deivathin Kural Vol 1, which was paper printed in 1976...

(How can we blame them, English if they have succeeded then its best in making Indians to hate their own religion, language, cultures and traditions and all others from India..)

Reading Deivathin Kural, Kanchi Mahaswamigal tells with proofs and when one reads more in many places he would counter argue and again give reasons why those counter arguments does not value. Its just reminds how in those times Aadhi Sankarar won his disciples and followers. It may be remembered, how Mandana Mishrar following a differentpath became Sureshwarar when he lost in the philosophical debates and followed Aadhi Sankarar and became the head at the Sri Sarada Math at Sringeri.

Friday, March 5, 2010

What is Swaraj? Kanchi Mahaswamigal

Remember Mahatma Gandhi who was described by Albert Einstein as 'The Greatest political genius of our times' quit his law profession...
Asking money for Food,Education,Medical Care or Justice is no way in the roots of Indian traditions and its culture, but all because of 'English' education and its evils....and wonder when these questions of Kanchi Mahaswamigal on 'What is Swaraj' will ever be heard by Indians?
Where he raises 'Our people in the guise of white men are making laws and we are slaves to them.Where is Swaraj in this?Instead we must think how our own people thousands of years ago administered and we must make efforts to bring it back..This is realizing the fact that when many other religions and its traditions/cultures swept away, our own religion and its cultures/traditions remains because it has something great and we must understand its greatness and give its due respect and position...'
More in Deivathin Kural தெய்வத்தின் குரல்.

Caste in Hinduism - Eternal security

Eternal Dharmas or Vedas or Vedic Religion as popularly known as Hinduism's social security and its eternal life is Caste system. This is understood by many including Swedish religious school text books, but wonder when people in India and even among Hindus it will be clearly understood. Hope the words of Kanchi Mahaswamigal gets into the hearts soon.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Brahmins are they listening to Kanchi MahaSwamigal?

Is everyone's duty to remind and tell Brahmins to listen to Kanchi
Mahaswamigal, for what he says is for everyones well being and not merely for one
community or country or religion..but for All in the Universe.More in தெய்வத்தின் குரல்

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Bharathy's songs few lines

வேத மறிந்தவன் பார்ப்பான், பல
வித்தை தெரிந்தவன் பார்ப்பான்.
நீதி நிலைதவ றாமல் - தண்ட
நேமங்கள் செய்பவன் நாய்க்கன்.

பண்டங்கள் விற்பவன் செட்டி - பிறர்
பட்டினி தீர்ப்பவன் செட்டி
தொண்டரென் றோர்வகுப் பில்லை, - தொழில்
சோம்பலைப் போல்இழி வில்லை.

நாலு வகுப்பும்இங் கொன்றே; - இந்த
நான்கினில் ஒன்று குறைந்தால்
வேலை தவறிச் சிதைந்தே - செத்து
வீழ்ந்திடும் மானிடச் சாதி.

This is again a reminder on what Bhagavad Gita had mentioned on Caste as the system do duty as division of work for social security and not for any narrow exploitation.
It is Bharathy again says ஜாதிகள் இல்லையடி பாபா , immediately he follows it with குல தாழ்ச்சி உயர்ச்சி சொல்லல் பாவம் .

பெண்ணுக்கு ஞானத்தை வைத்தான் - புவி
பேணி வளர்த்திடும் ஈசன்;
மண்ணுக் குள்ளே சிலமூடர் - நல்ல
மாத ரறிவைக் கெடுத்தார்.

This is another wonderful lines that I like to quote, from Bharathy...for here he says clearly that God gave wisdom to women, but people on Earth spoilt the women's wisdom....(I don't think Bharathy will be supporting today's so called women's freedom cause imitating western freedom, when he had long back seen the western so called freedom and sung these in the name of women freedom, people on earth have spoilt the God given wisdom to women....anyone listening?)

உடன்பிறந் தார்களைப் போலே - இவ்
வுலகில் மனிதரெல் லாரும்;
இடம்பெரி துண்டுவை யத்தில் - இதில்
ஏதுக்குச் சண்டைகள் செய்வீர்?

வயிற்றுக்குச் சோறுண்டு கண்டீர்! - இங்கு
வாழும் மனிதரெல் லோருக்கும்;
பயிற்றி உழுதுண்டு வாழ்வீர்! - பிறர்
பங்கைத் திருடுதல் வேண்டாம்.

Again a call to cultivate and live not in the name of green revolution pollute chemically the agricultural lands and bring more genetically modified food and bring other side effects for the pharmaceutical companies to thrive on the lives of poor farmers and ultimately the same scientists/economists/politicians own children and future generations.

உடன்பிறந் தவர்களைப் போலே - இவ்
வுலகினில் மனிதரெல் லாரும்;
திடங்கொண் டவர்மெலிந் தோரை - இங்குத்
தின்று பிழைத்திட லாமோ?

Another call to avoid social Darvinism ..

உள்ள தனைத்திலும் உள்ளொளி யாகி
ஒளிர்ந்திடும் ஆன்மாவே-இங்கு,
கொள்ளற் கரிய பிரமமென் றேமறை
கூவுதல் கேளீரோ?

மெள்ளப் பலதெய்வம் கூட்டி வளர்த்து
வெறுங் கதைகள் சேர்த்துப்-பல
கள்ள மதங்கள் பரப்புதற் கோர்மறை
காட்டவும் வல்லீரோ?

Bharathy's English writings 'The Fox with the Golden Tail' will give more of his thoughts on religious conversions by Foxes...

Summa iru சும்மா இரு – Just Be or Be Still

Arunagirinathar blessed by Murugan was instructed as ‘சொல்லற சும்மா இரு ’ or ‘Just Be’ or ‘Be still’ or ‘Be without thoughts’. The Summa iru is used in many places in spiritual instruction by many sages and holy men across the world irrespective of what religion they belong to or perhaps they are beyond any religious differences.
Thayumanavar in his songs, also touches this summa irruthal and says it’s the most difficult thing to achieve and compares to tame a lion is more easier and even to get all 8 Yogic siddhis are easy compared to சும்மா இருத்தல் . (On this Kanchi Mahaswamigal explanation in தெய்வத்தின் குரல் is wonderful.)
In Talks with Ramana Maharishi one could see this getting reference to Biblical statement of ‘Be still’ and know ‘I am that I am’. This ‘Be still’ or ‘Just Be’ as summa iru is mentioned by YogaSwamigal as ‘Summa irrutthal’. Yoga Swami says this Summa irutthal to let the inner guide to be heard from மௌனம் (silence).
In Words of our Master as compiled by Yogaswami’s disciples, I was surprised to see when I did a ctrl F to search for Summa and found in below places Yogaswami uses summa in his instructions.
1. As a dog, let loose after being tied up for some time, is energetic and active, so one, who learns to remain summa, gets increased energy which can be put to good use.
2. Even meditation is work. Practise remaining summa for ten minutes.
3. Without remaining summa, the mind is running here and there. That is its nature. What does that matter?
4. Remaining summa is the best exercise.
5. Learn to remain summa. If you try to stop, it will only become more active. It is not necessary to stop it. You must ask it - "Where are you going?" But see that you do not leave your seat.
6. Now we don't control the mind. We remain summa with a controlled mind.
7. The atma is summa. Movement is for the body and mind.
8. The secret of 'summa iru ' is you. The secret of 'summa iru ' is I. The secret of ' summa iru ' is all.
9. If you remain summa (i.e. idle) without working, the mind will become impure. But the summa of jnanis is different.
10. Because he (another devotee) is unable to remain summa, he is walking to Kataragama.
11. You are Siva. I am Siva. All are Siva. Remaining summa is also Siva.
12. He (another devotee) is wandering about here and there without knowing the secret of how to remain summa. The message we can give to him is: "There is no 'you,' no 'I'.”
13. Bliss will come, if you remain summa. Why then do you want this illusory world?
14. If you remain summa, the sound of voices outside will not reach you. When you come down, you can see the world.
15. You sing and learn, because you are unable to remain summa.
16. It is not necessary to break your head over building temples and schools. You can experience bliss by remaining summa, like the top which finally comes to rest after spinning round and round. The top will go on spinning as long as the force is there.
17. Remain summa for the sake of all!
18. There is nothing to know. Remain summa.
19. Those who remain summa are the real benefactors of humanity.

20. Only God is summa, but work is going on the whole time.
21. Don't take anything from eyes, from ears, from mouth, from hands-just sit. Summa iru.
22. Summa. There is no command-summa iru. The atma is summa. You cannot be summa. Only God is summa. He is summa, but work is going on the whole time.
23. Meditation...You know meditation? Summa iru. Summa iru is meditation.
24. Tell the truth. Don't forget austerity. Do your work. Summa iru.
25. Be summa. Don't think of anything. Let thoughts come and go.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Best Social Reformation or Service

Making Brahmins to chant Vedas and getting them off from other professions is the best social reform that should happen says Kanchi Mahaswamigal in தெய்வத்தின் குரல் .

In Bhagavad Gita this was mentioned more than 5000 years ago, as its better to do own’s own Dharma even if one is unskilled than to do someone’s Dharma even if one does it skillfully.

If one asks why, in Bhagavad Gita’s early chapters, its mentioned, how a society gets spoiled. It begins with adharma spreading, women losing chaste, they marry men from other dharma. Mixing of caste is the path to hell. Now what causes adharma to spread can be the next question, and it can be answered, when Dharma is not followed it leads to Adharma’s path to hell. Follow the path of Dharma as mentioned in Vedas and save your self and society in which you live.

Without knowing this truth, our ignorant lots wants to talk of caste mixing and inter caste marriage and goes to the extent of saying caste should be removed.

People should instead ask, is there no social evils in countries where there is no caste as it’s said in Hindu religion?

‘Give a bad name to dog and hang it’, as the saying in English goes, people want to give a bad name to Hindu caste system and want to hang it. This is how Kanchi MahaSwamigal explains on how English master minded on hanging Hindu caste system to divide and exploit Hindu’s strength.

Should we continue to blame English after so called 60 years of freedom? Its time we sincerely started learning what Deivathin Kural is all about if we really want to love India and thereby love humanity and all living being at large.