Monday, February 22, 2010

Charity shows – A Hippocratic society on the growth?

Read on ‘English’ magazine, how the once Great ‘Bretainians’ organized charity shows for helping Swedish people. The writer was actually trying to talk of charity shows for the African poor and was recalling how the ‘English’ had done once to help the then poor Swedish people. Today the same once ‘Great’ Bretainians are learning from Swedish ‘school’ education system among others.

Now when I read on the former ‘slaves’ of the Great Breatainian countries how they want to organize the charity shows for helping poor/sick/orphans, etc it just makes me sad how these former slaves are still mental slaves of their rulers even now.

As long as these former slaves maintain their old colonialists education system, the people coming out of such system will always take pride and honor in showing their

Now do we need such a suffering people to be given money by charity shows? Is not our hearts bleeding when one hears about it? Do we need comedy and actors and other ‘entertainment’ to part away our ‘excess’ money?

Can’t we be generous to give our excess money without these so called charity shows in the name of ‘entertainment’?

If charity shows are conducted for fund raising to renovate an old temple or a temple tank or to protect cows (even this does not fit in since its again another life, but can add since our society is now using human lives suffering for their charity shows) which needs renovation, then it’s a different matter…but to raise funds for suffering of another human as a reason to do charity shows is nothing but a sign of ‘English’ hypocrisy that’s getting its fruits out of the English education maintained in the slave colonies.

In the same note, it’s another English hypocrisy to send old/used clothes and other stuffs (including things which are hazardous in their own country and can not be dumped and so they send it across the so called poor countries under the name of ‘help/charity/gift/etc’) to the poor countries. Will the rich people of the poor countries be generous to share what they have with their own country poor?

Once again like to remind the readers what Swami Vivekananda said more than 100 years ago,’ Open your eyes and see what a piteous cry for food is rising in the land of Bharata, proverbial for its wealth! Will your education fulfill this want? Never.’

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